Children need to know about global warming. It’s their future at stake. They have to understand that we’re facing a dire situation. Everyone gets affected because of global warming and its impact around the world. Some suffer more than others. The best way is to get started in the classroom setting. The focus of education shouldn’t only be the basics such as writing and arithmetic. There should be more attention to making them understand important social issues such as environmental problems. They’re never too young to learn the truth. Besides, there are fun ways to make them realize the importance of environmental issues.
Show animated videos
Children love animations. It’s easier to catch their attention when they see animations. They might just enjoy the visuals first, but they eventually see the importance of the ideas discussed. You can find videos that discuss the effects of human actions on the environment.
Use science experiments
It’s difficult even for adults to understand why global warming causes cold weather in some places. If it’s indeed global warming, it should be hot everywhere. There’s a logical explanation for this phenomenon. Some scientific experiments can explain why it’s happening. If children can find the process fun and exciting, they will feel engaged. They will listen to you and even understand why global warming happens and the differences in its impact across the globe.
Conduct a round table discussion
For older students who can form arguments and analysis, a round table discussion approach might be useful. It allows them to share their ideas on solving issues based on what they read or their previous discussions. It also improves their critical thinking skills while using real-life issues as a tool.
Never humiliate students
Environmental issues might seem easy to bring up, but it can be divisive in a polarized world. These students came from homes with different beliefs about the existence of the problem. Make sure your goal is for them to realize that environmental protection is important. It doesn’t matter which ideological spectrum they belong to or whom their parents voted for. The good thing is that they already have a simple understanding of the issue and can take it from there. You can facilitate the process and respond to questions if necessary.
Be careful with your materials
You also need to be selective of the materials to use. Avoid tools with political overtones. Again, you don’t want to offend anyone in the process. Make everyone feel engaged and let the students decide for themselves. Like any other issue discussed in the class, don’t make conclusions for them. Allow them to be independent in determining their stance.
Of course, the goal is to identify real-life solutions. For instance, you can bring up the services offered by an Orlando junk removal company. It’s an excellent way of dealing with trash disposal problems at home. You can show that you’re doing well because of these services, and you can inspire them to do the same.